How to Root Android Phone, how to Rooting Android Phone this is a very important matter as somehow many of you wants to Root your phone but before Rooting it, always some questions arrived in your mind that ‘Is it safe?’, ‘Is it risky?’ or ‘What to do if you done any mistake?’, so here we describe you all the details in brief, so you can easily follow that instructions and you can Root your Phone successfully.

It is not necessary to Root every phones and even not everyone needs it. Only those wants to Root their phones who wants some changes into their phones or some kind of person want to Root as on experiment basis or might to get learn new things. So even in present time many more have no knowledge about what is a Phone Root and why should have to do that.
How to Root Android Phone Without System

To Root Android Phone without PC, you needs some applications and you easily get it through playstore, so before Rooting your phone you have to careful about some points.
1. Phone must be charged above 50% (because Rooting may be take more time)
2. Take a backup of your Phone data like internal and external memory ( because when you Rooting your phone all data whatever is saved in your phone, totally will be vanished)
3. Withdraw your Sim card and Memory Card 4. Now you’ll have to download an application for Rooting your phone, you’ll get application through play store or any kind of third party websites.
5. Android Phone Root Application
a. KingRoot
b. FramaRoot
c. Z4Root
d. VRoot

6. After downloading any of these application please keep that application in your Phone’s internal storage. During installation you can see a warning message about installation block kind of so between this you get an Option of Exit or Yes, then go to the More Options and select ‘Yes‘ Option.
7. Then go to your Phone Setting> Developer Option and then click on USB Debugging.
8. Then Open your Root Application and wait for some time, you get your Phone Root completely.
How to Root Android Phone with PC
For Rooting Android Phone with PC, you’ll have to download Rooting Software in your system. If I tell about the best Software for Rooting Phone from system is ‘KingoRoot‘
Android Phone Root Software

1. first install KingoRoot software in your PC
2. Go to your Phone settings>Developer Options> Tick on USB Debugging
3. Connect your Phone to your system with USB Cable
4. Phone’s drivers automatically get downloaded when you connect your phone to your system. Your system must have to connected with Internet.
5. After completing of drivers installation, you can see on your system’s screen, in the bottom of Software’s dashboard their is a Root Status Number. Means your phone is not Rooted yet, so in the below of your screen their is an option available of Phone Root, Click their.
6. Then your Rooting process get started, its taken some time to complete the Root process.
7. You got an Finish option after completing your Rooting process so click their, then you’ll get your Phone Root Completed.
How to Root Android 7.0 Phones without PC
By using the same process which I written above, the main thing you’ll have to notice is that your Mobile Phone’s battery must be charged above 50% and your ‘developer‘ options must be ‘On‘.
How to Root Android 6.0 Phones without PC
The same process which I written above, the main thing you’ll have to notice is that your Mobile Phone’s battery must be charged above 50% and your ‘developer‘ options must be ‘On‘. Follow all steps one by one.
What Risk when Root Android Phones
You might get risked when you Root phone in a wrong way, your phone can be dead, may be phone’s motherboard not get working, but this kind of risk calculated as 2% only. So kindly follow all the steps one by one when you wants to Root your phone.
What Profit when Root Android Phones
If you Root your phone you can change your phone’s Interface, you ca also use different types of custom Rom. Even you can uninstalled Pre-Installed Application you can increase internal space in your phone. You can use New Android Custom Rom, Means if you have Android 6 then you can use Oreo Custom Rom.